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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - song


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Перевод с английского языка song на русский

песня (птиц, насекомых) – amorphic song – courtship song – juvenile song – pair song – plastic song – territorial song
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См. в других словарях

  1. песня folk (sea, soldier's) song —- народная (матросская, солдатская) песня drinking song —- застольная prick song —- дразнилка give us a song —- спойте нам что-нибудь 2. пение the lark's song —- пение (песня) жаворонка the song of a brook —- журчание ручейка to break (to burst forth) into song —- запеть 3. лит. песнь the S. of Songs —- библ. Песнь песней the S. of Roland —- Песнь о Роланде the song of praise —- хвалебная песнь 4. ам. разг. шум, скандал he put up quite a song —- он поднял страшный шум (устроил целый скандал) 5. сл. признание (арестованного) с выдачей сообщников; донос (в полицию и т. п.) Id: song and dance —- ам. сл. пустословие, пустяки; пустые отноворки Id: every time she is late she gives me a song and dance about oversleeping —- при каждом опоздании она рассказывает мне сказку, что проспала Id: to make a song (and dance) about smth. —- раздувать какое-либо событие; поднимать шум вокруг чего-либо Id: nothing to make a song about —- нечто, не заслуживающее внимания (не имеющее значения) Id: to change one's song —- запеть на другой лад, сбавить тон, присмиреть Id: not worth an old song —- гроша ломаного не стоит Id: to buy (to sell) for a song (for an old song) —- купить (продать) за бесценок Id: to sing the same song over and over again —- тянуть старую песню ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) пение; to burst forth (или to break) into song - запеть  2) песня; романс  3) стихотворение to buy/get for a mere song (или for an old song) - купить за бесценок not worth an old song - грош цена nothing to make a song about - что-л., не заслуживающее внимания its no use making a song about it - из этого не стоит создавать истории Syn: see melody SONG and dance noun пустословие, пустяки; пустые отговорки ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung. 2 singing or vocal music (burst into song). 3 a musical composition suggestive of a song. 4 the musical cry of some birds. 5 a short poem in rhymed stanzas. 6 archaic poetry or verse. Phrases and idioms for a song colloq. very cheaply. on song Brit. colloq. performing exceptionally well. song and dance colloq. a fuss or commotion. song cycle a set of musically linked songs on a romantic theme. Song of Songs (or of Solomon) a poetic Old Testament book traditionally attributed to Solomon. song sparrow a N. American sparrow, Melospiza melodia, with a characteristic musical song. song thrush a thrush, Turdus philomelos, of Europe and W. Asia, with a song partly mimicked from other birds. Derivatives songless adj. Etymology: OE sang f. Gmc (as SING) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sang; akin to Old English singan to sing  Date: before 12th century  1. the act or art of singing  2. poetical composition  3.  a. a short musical composition of words and music  b. a collection of such compositions  4. a distinctive or characteristic sound or series of sounds (as of a bird, insect, or whale)  5.  a. a melody for a lyric poem or ballad  b. a poem easily set to music  6.  a. a habitual or characteristic manner  b. a violent, abusive, or noisy reaction put up quite a ~  7. a small amount sold for a ~  • ~like adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (songs) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A song is words sung to a tune. ...a voice singing a Spanish song. ...a love song. N-COUNT 2. Song is the art of singing. ...dance, music, mime and song. ...the history of American popular song. N-UNCOUNT 3. A bird’s song is the pleasant, musical sounds that it makes. It’s been a long time since I heard a blackbird’s song in the evening. N-COUNT 4. see also birdsong, song and dance, songbird, swan song 5. If someone bursts into song or breaks into song, they start singing. I feel as if I should break into song. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »MUSIC WITH WORDS« a) a short piece of music with words for singing  (The students played guitars and sang folk songs. | a pop song on the radio) b) songs in general  (He's doing research into popular song. | burst/break into song (=suddenly start singing))  (Patty must be in love - she keeps bursting into song!) 2 »BIRDS« the musical sounds made by birds  (the song of the lark) 3 for a song very cheaply  (He bought the house for a song five years ago.) 4 a song and dance about a) BrE if you make a song and dance about something you complain too much about it in a way that seems unnecessary  (There's no need to make such a song and dance about a little scratch on the car.) b) AmE a very complicated explanation or excuse for something you have done  (She gave us a long song and dance about why she hadn't sent the order on time.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: FOR A SONG. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sang, from P.Gmc. *sangwaz. Songbook is O.E. sangboc; song-bird is from 1774; songster is O.E. sangystre. Phrase for a song is from "All's Well" iii.2. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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